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Bird Tower
From the bird tower at Fasanstien you can get as close to Amager's southern tip, Aflandshage as possible - Aflandshage a military installation, and the tower was built on an old shooting range. Aflandshage is part of the Amager Wildlife Sanctuary, where many rare birds breed.
From the bird tower you also have a nice view of Køge Bay to the south and to the Øresund Bridge to the east.
On Fælledvej (road) - between Søvang and Pionergården - you will find the Fasan Trail, which cross Fælledvej. Turn left along the path (if you come from Søvang) - a few hundred meters down the path you will find a sign for the bird tower. Follow the path.
You can park at the Fasanstien on the right side of Common Road (when coming from Søvang).