Rompunch til fastelavn

Rum Punch at Shrovetide Feast

Photo: Annette Nyvang

When the Shrovetide riders ride around on visits, all participants are offered hot rum punch by the hosts before the Knocking Down the Barrel in the afternoon.

It is possible for others to buy rum punch at Blushøj in Dragør during the barrel slaughter, and at Shrovetide Monday Amager Museum offers rum punch.

You can also make your own - it warms well in the cold. In a saucepan, mix the following:

2 dl dark rum (50-60%)
3 parts water
5-6 pcs. chopped sugar (preferably cane sugar)

Bring water and sugar to a boil and pour the rum into it. The pot must not boil after the rum has been poured in, then the alcohol evaporates.

The punch is served immediately in small wine glasses that are enough for 5-6 glasses.

The riders acknowledge with a cheers song as they drink the rum punch

It starts with everyone singing (in danish):

"Og skålen skal være hr. Jansen til ære hurra.
Ja skålen skal være hr. Jansen til ære hurra
Og skam få den som ikke 
Hr. Jansens skål vil drikke 
Hurra, hurra den skål var bra hurra!"

After that, the wife gets the same 5 lines.

One of the flags then makes a four-fold living:

"Mr. and Mrs. Jansen and family, they live long - hurray
They must and they shall live - hurray
They live long and they live well - hurray
and in joy and happines and prosperity soar - hurray "

Sometimes the host answers with a solo song (in danish):

"Var denne skål ej vakker
jo, jeg for skålen takker
og drikker den med fornøjelse"

To which all the riders reply (in danish):

"God vind for den som sejler
og held for den som bejler
og penge udi i lommen på hver trængende sjæl"

Then everyone sings (in danish):

"Derfor lad os alle vende
glasset på den anden ende.
./. Lambo, lambo
kammerater lambo ./.
Derfor lad os alle drikke af,
der er mer, hvor det er kommet fra,
derfor lad os alle sammen drikke af,
der er mer, hvor denne drik er kommet fra."

The riders ride on while singing:

"And now goodbye, and now goodbye"